Keto egg recipe


Still my first day on Ketogenic diet.

 I had a coffee in the morning because its impossible to wake up for me without caffein.

Then I had two boiled eggs with spices an done tomato on it( tomato is not suggested on the first month)

egg recipe

 Then around  14:00 I felt hungry again.


So here is a  very simple egg recipe:

·         2 eggs

·         Salt

·         Hot pepper

·         Black pepper

·         Olive oil

·         Some flax seeds

·         1 or 2 of  any Cheese

·         Better to have some green vegetables/salads to eat with.


Add oil, eggs, cheese, salt to the pan and cook as much as you like.

I cooked around 3-4 minutes and then mixed with spoon once. Then  waited a few more minutes and added flax seeds, peppers and take  it from the heat.Thats it.


I have added flax seeds because I thought 2 eggs may not be enough. I feel like a monster that can eat anything J


I think  I needed some lettuce etc to eat with this dish. Feels a bit oily but very delicious.















