How keto works for body.

We used to believe “fat makes you fat”.

I used to belive that.

On the other hand keto diets seems to based on fat eating.


Fats : 75% : olive oil, coconut oil, ghee, ..

Protein: 25% : meats, eggs cheese…

Carbs :5% ( around 20grams) best way to take from green leaf vegetables.

We modern people used  to eat a lot of food. .Those foods are mainly fast food or processed .Mostly not natural indeed.

Mainly eating  high range of carbs. Our body seems to store those carbs to use one day. Meanwhile storage gets larger and larger .


Authorities claims that those carbs also affects our mental health and hapiness directly.

When starting keto, resaerches says body starts using those stored fats and produce energcy from fats instead of carbs. So wieght loss is happening.

On the other hand,  person consumes less and nutritient food  but become more energic and happier.


Hope it Works ..

This is one of the main reasons I m starting.

We all need more happiness.
