Essentials for Keto

1.       Reduce and eliminate the sugar from your life. At the begining if it looks to  big change to start keto, its better start with small steps like reducing only sugar and grains from your  table.By the time, your health will grow  and get better slowly , your energy will boost  too. Goodbye Turkish tea with sugar:/


2.       Reduce the carbonhydrates and  choose to eat healthy types of carbs. Goodbye lovely potato chips with hamburger bread L, rice, corn, wheat, oat, barley, rye…


3.       Learn your metobolism. Each one of us has unique body type. While some foods are nutritious to somebody, they may not same to ourselves.  So listen to your body- biochemistry.


4.       Your emotional and mental well being is very closely connected to what you eat. When you have a good eating habits that will help you to increase self esteem, overcome negativity in life and fight the disease.



5.       Drink pure water, exercise daily,get proper sleep.


6.       Dont feel overwhelmed when you learnt all details of Keto, remember, you do not need to  do them them all at once.Small and steady steps each time, will take you to success.



7.       Learn to calculate your macros. You will need a scale to arrange each meal tos tay in your body limits.

8.       Keep in mind that your body will react in dfferent ways such as keto flu when suffers for carbs.

9.       Nuts nuts nuts… Get ready for nuts in your menu.

10.   Do not be overwhelmed.When carbs are göne from our diet it looks there is not much food left. Do not give up yet. We are all one step away from loosing weight, getting more fit, being mentally great and happy. Hold on there.. We will succeed.


